Sunday, August 31, 2008

Evaluating Websites This website contain a lot of information about the paranormal. I found that there is not enough information for me to use for my essay. is very informational. The information I obtain is very well explained. It gave me insight on defining telekinesis. This site will be very useful for my definition essay. Home xtra did not provide enough information for a definition essay. The site did give examples on how to perform telekinesis. Wikipedia is very informational. This site has excellent detailed sources and information is very clearly stated and up to date. This website is very useful for my definition essay. has information about telekinesis, yet there was no author and the page seem to be out dated. I would not trust this websites information.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


When I think of the word paranormal witchcraft, black magic, voodoo, psychic and EST comes to mind. I was unaware spiritual beliefs were categorized under the paranormal. After completing the paranormal belief scale I came to the conclusion that I believe in more paranormal activity than I realized.

I am a Spiritual person. I believe in God and I feel there is a devil. I do not believe in witchcraft, psychics, black magic etc.

Writing about paranormal will be interesting. Paranormal is a very broad subject, so the more knowledge I endure maybe the more belief I will have by the end of the course. I anticipate on learning more about the individuals who believe in paranormal. Also scientific facts that shows telekinesis, astrology and psychic are real.